French Vocabulary: Occupations et professions (Occupations and professions)


Last Updated: December 15, 2023

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Looking for jobs in France? Well, learning the vocabulary about jobs in French will help you in that department. Learn to say in French all sorts of professions and occupations from the different types of field.

Here is a word list of professions in French that you can add to your French vocabulary.

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l’architecte (m.)architect
l’avocat(e) lawyer
l’avocat général (m.)prosecutor
l’écrivain (m.) writer
l’enseignant(e)instructor, teacher
l’ingénieur (m.) engineer
l’instituteur (m.), l’institutrice (f.) elementary school teacher
l’interprète (m./f.)interpreter
le juge judge
le rédacteur, la rédactrice editor
le reporter reporter
le/la documentaliste information specialist
le/la journalistejournalist
le professeurteacher, professor
le/la stagiaire trainee
Les métiers dans le secteur de la santé(Health care occupations)
l’infimier (m.), l’infirmière (f.)nurse
l’opticien(ne) optician
le/la chirurgien(ne) surgeonle/la dentiste dentist
le médecin doctor, physician
le/la nutritionnistenutritionist
le/la pharmacien(ne)pharmacist
le/la psychiatrepsychiatrist
le/la psychologuepsychologist
le/la vétérinaire veterinarian
Les arts(Art)
acteur (m.), actrice (f.)
actor, actress
artiste (m., f.) artist
chanteur, chanteusesinger
comédien(ne) comedian
danseur (m.), danseusedancer
dramaturge (m., f.)playwright
écrivain (m.) writer
illustrateur (m., f.) illustrator
l’agent de police (m.)policeman
l’employé(e) employee
l’esthéticienne (f.) beautician
la femme de ménagehouse cleaner
la serveuse waitress
le chauffeur de taxi (m.) taxi driver
le coiffeur, la coiffeuse hairdresser
le conducteur, la conductrice d’autobusbus driver
le cuisinier, la cuisinière cook
le facteur (m.) mail carrier
le fonctionnaire (m., f.)civil servant
le jardinier gardener
le maître-nageurlifeguard
le pâtissier, la pâtissière pastry chef
le pompier (m.)fireman
le serveur, le garçonwaiter
le soldat (m.) soldier
le steward, l’hôtesse de l’air (f.) flight attendant
le vendeur, la vendeuse salesperson
le/la mécanicien(ne)mechanic
le/la secrétaire secretary

So which jobs in French are you interested in venturing? Let us know! Also please tell us in the comment section if there are some vocabulary topics that you would like to review.

P.S. You would be doing me a HUGE FAVOR  by sharing it via Twitter or Facebook.

About the author 

Frederic Bibard is the founder of Talk in French, a company that helps french learners to practice and improve their french. Macaron addict. Jacques Audiard fan. You can contact him on Instagram

  • […] French Vocabulary: Occupations et professions (Occupations and professions) Learn to say in French all sorts of professions and occupations from the different types of field. Here is a list of words that you can add to your French vocabulary. Please tell us in the comment section if there is some topics for vocab that you would like to review. P.S. You would be doing me a HUGE FAVOR by sharing it via Twitter, Facebook, Google + or Pinterest. Related PostsFrench Vocabulary: Character and PersonalityFrench vocab: Fruits and GrainsFrench Vocab: PETS AND ANIMALSFrench Vocabulary: Office and Computing Get our awesome newsletter (Bonus: Get our free study guide to learn French) Get additional free vocabulary list, exclusive discount and so much more directly delivered to our email inbox every sunday. First Name Email 100% privacy, we will never spam you! Google+ Frederic Bibard  […]

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