Podcast #13 – French Etiquette When Eating Out, 10 Embarrassing Pronunciation Mistakes That You Should Avoid in French


Last Updated: May 23, 2023

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Bonjour, this is Frederic and I would like to personally welcome you to the thirteenth episode of the Talk in French Podcast!

This podcast is intended for beginner to intermediate French language learners and French culture enthusiasts. For advanced level learners, I also have an all-French Podcast which you would probably enjoy more. You can check the Advanced Podcast here. 


In this episode:

  • Some information about French Culture. I explain some French Etiquette when eating out 
  • Some French Words with an English Translation. Ideal when you cook, run, commute...
  • A quick French Grammar Explanation. 10 embarrassing pronunciation mistakes that you should avoid in French
  • Some French Expressions and their translation

What's in this Podcast?

French Travel and Culture

Discover some interesting aspects of French travel and culture.

Vocabulary and Expressions

Learn useful French vocabulary and idiomatic expressions.

French Grammar Explanation

Get to know important grammar points and learn how to use it.

Listen to This Podcast Episode Now

French Vocabulary Included in this Episode:

le supermarché supermarket/grocery store
les provisions groceries
le tapis roulant conveyer belt
la boulangerie bakery
la confiserie confectionary/sweets section
les fruits fruits
les produits surgelés frozen food
la nourriture pour animaux pet food
la caisse till/cash register

French Expressions from this Podcast Episode:

Ne quittez pas. Please hold.
Ça bouge ? How's it going?
Ça me prend la tête ! That drives me crazy!
Je comprends un peu. I understand a little.
C'est bon It's good
C'est surprenant It's surprising
Je vous le passe. I'm transferring your call.

Some mispronunciation mentioned in the podcast

  • Cou = neck / Cul =ass
  • Coup = A hit/ shot
  • C’était un joli coup (it was a nice shot). But you can be « un bon coup » = a good shag
  • Joli cul = nice ass
  • J’ai mal au cou (My neck hurts) not J’ai mal au cul ( My ass hurts)
  • Bulle (bubble) Boule (balls)
  • Salut (Hi) Salaud / Salop (Asshole)
  • Merci beaucoup (thank you very much) not Merci beau cul (thank you nice ass)
  • Vladimir Putin not Vladimir Putain (Vladimir Fuck)
  • Cheveux (hair) vs Chevaux (horses)
  • Canard (duck) vs Connard (asshole)
  • Duck Confit (confit de canard not confit de connard)
  • But « C’est un canard/ il fait le canard (he acts like a duck) = a yes man to his girlfriend)
  • Con (a jerk) vs Quand (when)
  • Branly (place in Paris) vs Branler (to jerk off)
  • Baisser (to lower) Baiser (to fuck)

Also on iTunes

This podcast is also available on iTunes, so if you prefer to listen on your device, please check it out on iTunes and give me an honest review here . I updated the RSS feed so all the information is available there.

Once again your feedback will be greatly appreciated and it would help me develop more learning resources for you. If you have time, please leave a review in iTunes, too.

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About the author 

Frederic Bibard is the founder of Talk in French, a company that helps french learners to practice and improve their french. Macaron addict. Jacques Audiard fan. You can contact him on Instagram

  • Hi Frederic ,
    Thank you very much that was very helpful and. Interesting. I am always afraid of making a mistake on etiquette and being offensive. I also really enjoyed the grammar lesson. I must confess I did laugh in a few places because it was funny. Though I think it is very helpful as it wouldn’t be funny to make some of those mistakes . I. Will listen to it again to make sure I learn them. 🙂
    As always. I enjoyed listening and look forward to the next episode
    Have great week

    • I start to really enjoy to produce this podcast. The grammar/ curse point was very interesting for me to produce. I had a great time with it. Now concerning making a mistake, we won’t blame for that. We understand that you can make a mistake.

  • This was great, I laughed a lot! I already speak French (it was my first language), and I am trying to help my husband learn French. We live in the USA, so he does not have much opportunity to converse in French. Additionally, as I have lived in the USA since I was 4 years old, I learned French from my parents, and I don’t know most of the slang/curse words in use today. My cousins taught me some, but I don’t see them very often. Last time my cousin came to visit me, I invited her to go out dancing with my friends and I. I made an embarrassing vocabulary error, which may deserve to be added to your show. In English, we say that we want to introduce one friend to another friend. In French we offer to present one friend to the other. Both of these words in French are very similar to the English version, but they are used differently. Hence, I said to my cousin “Vien, je voeux t’indroduire a mes copines”…. and she looked at me with apprehension. Fortunately, my cousin speaks pretty good English, and she understood what I was trying to say (that I wanted to introduce her to my firends), and corrected me. Since then I have heard a few other native English speakers make the same error. Perhaps you could cover this vocabulary faux-pas?

    Also, during this show you explained that ‘Baisser’ means to lower something, as opposed to ‘Baiser’ which is to fu**. During your explanation you used the term “to go down”. I fear you may have fallen prey to your own joke here, because ‘to go down’ is English slang, which means oral sex. To ‘go down’ on someone is to have oral sex with them.

    Hope this makes you laugh! And thanks for taking the time to make these podcasts, they are really great!

    • Ohlala, now I realize it. I knew this expression but did not realize when say it haha. That’s hilarious. Thank you for sharing your faux-pas as well (and my faux pas too). 🙂

  • Bonjour Frederic,

    Je suis votre compte twitter et je suis très reconnaisaante de retrouver des sujets de cours gratuits de votre main. Or, récemment vous avez parlé d’un ouvrage qui m’intéresse particulièrement. C’est “comment apprendre le genre des substantifs en 30 jours”. Voudriez-vous encore me transmettre les données exactes pour que je puisse l’acquérir.

    Bien à vous,

    Grietje (FLE-Gand Belgique)

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