learn french with stories intermediate

French Short Stories for Beginners

Improve your French reading, pronunciation and listening skills.

  • Expand your vocabulary:  Add 1,500+ French words and expressions that you can use immediately, every day
  • Sharpen your comprehension of spoken French by listening to a native French speaker (FREE audio download)
  • Pronounce French words properly. Compare the written word to the audio recording.

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This Book Will Help You Improve:


Each story is recorded in two different ways: A slow version helps beginners improve their pronunciation, and a normal, natural speed for intermediate and advanced learners trains your ears to understand what is being said.


No need for a dictionary. Each story is broken down with a French and English glossary that introduces you to the words and phrases you might not understand. This comes in handy because there is no need for the irritating process of flipping pages, continually searching for definitions or translations.


Learn how to pronounce French words properly by comparing the written word to the audio recording.


Familiarize yourself with a wide range of grammar structures and put them to use today. Avoid the monotonous task of memorizing grammar rules.


About the Author: Frédéric Bibard

Frédéric is the founder of Talk in French.com, a site voted by the bab.la community as the Best Blog for Learning French for three years in a row. He has more than nine years of experience in teaching French and published more than 30 titles including  best-selling books on Amazon.

What People Are Saying


Great Way To Dive Back Into French


Audible User


Great book for brushing up French skills!

Patrick LeBeau

Audible  User


A fun and perfect way to improve french


Audible User

learn french with stories intermediate
With this book and accompanying audio, you can start improving your French today!

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