Podcast #49 – French School System Part 6: The Future (le futur)


Last Updated: June 12, 2023

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Bonjour, this is Frederic and I would like to personally welcome you to the forty-ninth episode of the Talk in French Podcast!

This podcast is intended for beginner to intermediate French language learners and French culture enthusiasts. For advanced-level learners, I also have an all-French Podcast which you would probably enjoy more. 

Talk In French Podcast is included in our Talk in French Membership program.  

In this episode:

  • French School System Part 6: le futur (the future)
  • How to prepare the oral part for the DELF B2
  • Some French Words and expressions

What's in this Podcast?

French Travel and Culture

Discover some interesting aspects of French travel and culture.

Vocabulary and Expressions

Learn useful French vocabulary and idiomatic expressions.

French Grammar Explanation

Get to know important grammar points and learn how to use it.

Listen to this Podcast Episode Now

French Vocabulary Included in this Episode:

le haricot vert French/ green bean
le petit pois garden pea
le fenouil fennel
le champignon mushroom
la courgette courgette
la laitue lettuce
le navet turnip
la pomme de terre potato

French Expressions from this Podcast Episode:

Nager entre deux eaux To sit on the fence
Tourner au vinaigre To turn sour
Faire une carte de France To make a map of France
Dormir en chien de fusil To sleep curled up
En faire tout un fromage To make a big deal of something
Battre le fer quand il est (encore) chaud To act without delay/to seize the opportunity
Faire le poireau To be kept waiting

Also on iTunes

This podcast is also available on iTunes, so if you prefer to listen on your device, please check it out on iTunes and give me an honest review here . I updated the RSS feed so all the information is available there.

Once again your feedback will be greatly appreciated and it would help me develop more learning resources for you. If you have time, please leave a review in iTunes, too.

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About the author 

Frederic Bibard is the founder of Talk in French, a company that helps french learners to practice and improve their french. Macaron addict. Jacques Audiard fan. You can contact him on Instagram

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