Podcast #16 – Bastille Day, 10 French Blunders made by English Speakers


Last Updated: May 23, 2023

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Bonjour, this is Frederic and I would like to personally welcome you to the sixteenth episode of the Talk in French Podcast!

This podcast is intended for beginner to intermediate French language learners and French culture enthusiasts. For advanced level learners, I also have an all-French Podcast which you would probably enjoy more. You can check the Advanced Podcast here. 

In this episode:

  • Some information about French Culture. I explain about Bastille Day and why it is not what you think it is. I also share my view on why we should not celebrate this day.
  • Some French Words with an English Translation. Ideal when you cook, run, commute...
  • A quick French Grammar Explanation. 10 false cognate and blunders make by English Speakers
  • Some French Expressions and their translation
french podcast blunders

What's in this Podcast?

French Travel and Culture

Discover some interesting aspects of French travel and culture.

Vocabulary and Expressions

Learn useful French vocabulary and idiomatic expressions.

French Grammar Explanation

Get to know important grammar points and learn how to use it.

Listen to this Podcast Episode Now

French Vocabulary Included in this Episode:

la tarte pie
le gâteau aux carottes carrot cake
le gâteau au fromage cheesecake
les bonbons candy
les biscuits cookies
la crème anglaise custard
la crême glacée ice cream
les croissants au beurre butter croissants
la tarte aux pommes apple pie
les gaufres waffles

French Expressions from this Podcast Episode:

C'est douteux It's doubtful
Il ne s'est jamais mieux porté. He's never been better.
Je t'y prends ! I've got you!
Que faire ? What is to be done?
Rien à faire It's hopeless

10 blunders (listen the podcast for more details):

Actuellement vs Actually

Actuellement = "at the present time".

Actuall y= "in fact" = en fait

Assister vs Assist

Assister = to attend something
To assist = aider
Attendre vs Attend

Attendre = to wait for:

To attend = see above

Caractère vs Character

Caractère = character or temperament of a person or thing:
Character = can also means this in english but it can be = un personnage.

Collège vs College

Le collège = junior high school / middle school

College (english) = université


Éventuellement vs Eventually

Éventuellement = possibly, if need be, or even

Eventually = finalement / tôt ou tard.

Finalement vs Finally

Finalement = eventually or in the end

Finally = enfin or en dernier lieu.

Gros vs Gross

Gros =s big, fat, heavy, or serious:

Gross means grossier, fruste, or (informally) dégueulasse.

Librairie vs Library

Une librairie refers = a bookstore

Library =une bibliothèque.

Réaliser vs Realize

Réaliser means to fulfill (a dream or aspiration) or achieve. To realize means se rendre compte de, prendre conscience de, or comprendre.

Rester vs Rest

Rester = to stay or remain

To rest= se reposer

Especially / en particulier

Anglicisme. Ly = ment (e.g: parfaitement = perfectly). But especiallement does not exist in French.

Fameux= famous

Fameux means famous. But it is rarely for someone or a place. We prefer to use the word connu (well-know) or célèbre . Fameux is a bit old fashion but you can use it in literature.

Listen the french grammar point for more information.

Links to Articles and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Also on iTunes

This podcast is also available on iTunes, so if you prefer to listen on your device, please check it out on iTunes and give me an honest review here . I updated the RSS feed so all the information is available there.

Once again your feedback will be greatly appreciated and it would help me develop more learning resources for you. If you have time, please leave a review in iTunes, too.

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About the author 

Frederic Bibard is the founder of Talk in French, a company that helps french learners to practice and improve their french. Macaron addict. Jacques Audiard fan. You can contact him on Instagram

  • Salut, Frédéric.

    J’ai une question au sujet des faux amis. Dans cet épisode, tu as dit que le mot «fameux» n’est pas utilisé comme l’anglais «famous», sauf pour décrire la nourriture. Mais dans la chanson folklorique «L’Auberge de l’écu», le premier verset se lit comme «Dans notre ville est venu * un fameux jouer de luth». Évidemment un jouer de luth n’est pas un comestible. Est-ce un exemple d’utilisation archaïque, ou est-il une traduction différente en anglais du mot «fameux» dans ce contexte?

    Merci pour ta réponse.


    • Ah la bonne question, oui effectivement fameux est ici l’équivalent de “famous” mais comme tu le dis, c’est une utilisation un peu archaïque. On utilise beaucoup plus le mot fameux à l’écrit qu’à l’oral ou alors dans un sens ironique.

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