Donner French Conjugation


Last Updated: August 28, 2022

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Do you struggle with the donner French conjugation? Well, you’ll be able to learn how to after reading this article.

Conjugate French Verb Donner


Donner is the French verb meaning “to give”, so it would be used to translate a sentence such as “you give him your bike” to “Tu lui donnes ton vélo”.

This verb is a regular er verb; it follows the same rules as most er verbs. So, once you have learnt the rules for donner you can apply them to most others that end in er.

Present Conjugation of Donner in French

As with all verbs in French they will change depending on the tense that you are using them in and who you are referring to when speaking. So, here are the verb conjugations for present tense.

Subject PronounDonnerEnglish
JeDonne I give
TuDonnesYou give
Il/ElleDonneHe/She gives
NousDonnonsWe give
VousDonnezYou give
Ils/EllesDonnentThey give

As you can see, in the present tense, donner follows the same rules as any other verb ending in er, such as adding an “e” to the stem of the word (in this case “donn”) for I and he/she while an “es” is added for you.

Imperfect Tense Donner Conjugation in French

With the imperfect tense, you again keep the stem of the word the same and change the ending depending on who is being spoken about.

Subject PronounDonnerEnglish
JeDonnaisI used to give
TuDonnaisYou used to give
Il/ElleDonnaitHe/She used to give
NousDonnionsWe used to give
VousDonniezYou used to give
Ils/EllesDonnaientThey used to give

When conjugating donner in the imperfect tense it is important to remember to add the “a” in they give as that is the version that changes the most and is a common mistake, due to the other plurals beginning with an “i”.

French Donner Conjugation in the Future Tense

Subject PronounDonnerEnglish
JeDonneraiI will give
TuDonnerasYou will give
Il/ElleDonneraHe/She will give
NousDonneronsWe will give
VousDonnerezYou will give
Ils/EllesDonnerontThey will give

So, as with all ‘er’ verbs in the future tense, the infinitive stays exactly as it is, without being stripped down to the stem (in this case “donn”) before having some letters added to the end.

With the future tense, most of the conjugations have an ‘ay’ sound at the end of the verb such as “Je donnerai” and “Vous donnerez”.

French Conjugation of Donner in the Passé Composé Tense

The passé composé is a past tense that is used to say when you have done something before. In comparison to the imperfect tense, which is where you are saying that you have continually done something in the past.

So, as a rule, this tense requires the use and conjugation of two verbs. For donner, the two verbs that will need conjugating are the verb avoir meaning “to have”, as well as donner.

Donner is automatically conjugated into the past participle for each person so donner will become donné, while avoir is the verb which will change with this tense.

Subject PronounDonnerEnglish
J’ai donnéI have given
Tuas donnéYou have given
Il/Ellea donnéHe/She have given
Nousavons donnéWe have given
Vousavez donnéYou have given
Ils/Ellesont donnéThey have given

As you can see the conjugation of the verb avoir uses the present tense while being used with the past participle. Also, remember that when a vowel follows “Je” the “e” is replaced with an apostrophe and when speaking the words run together.

Future Perfect Tense Conjugation of the Verb Donner in French

The future perfect is similar to the passé composé as it uses a conjugated version of the verb avoir to create the correct tense for the verb donner, which will again retain the past participle when being used.

This tense is used for saying you will have done something.

Subject PronounDonnerEnglish
J’aurai donnéI will have given
Tuauras donnéYou will have given
Il/Elleaura donnéHe/She will have given
Nousaurons donnéWe will have given
Vousaurez donnéYou will have given
Ils/Ellesauront donnéThey will have given

So, again in this tense it is the verb “avoir” that is changing to denote the change in tense for the verb “donner”.

Near Future Tense Conjugation of Donner in French

The near future tense is used when you want to say that you are going to do something, for example “I am going to read”.

This tense, similar to the future perfect and passé composé, uses the conjugated version of a second verb to change the tense of the verb donner. This time using the verb aller meaning “to go”.

The conjugation of donner in this tense remains as the infinitive, while aller changes depending on who is mentioned.

Subject PronounDonnerEnglish
Jevais donnerI am going to give
Tuvas donnerYou will be giving
Il/Elleva donnerHe/She will be giving
Nousallons donnerWe will be giving
Vousallez donnerYou will be giving
Ils/Ellesvont donnerThey will be giving

In the same way that the verb “avoir” is used in its present tense conjugation for the passé composé, the verb aller is used in its present tense conjugation for the near future. Other conjugations of aller can be found here, should you need them.

Examples of the Conjugation of Donner in French

  • Je vais donner l'argent à la charité - (I will be giving the money to charity)
  • Je t'ai donné les billets - (I gave you the tickets)
  • Ils me donnent tellement - (They give so much to me)
  • Je donnais beaucoup de temps à mes études - (I used to give a lot of time to my studies)


As you can see there are many different tenses that donner can be used in, the same when speaking in English, all with different conjugations of the verb. The tenses listed in this article are just a few that are more commonly used in conversations.

Other French Verb Conjugations can be found at the links in the list below:

About the author 

Sarah grew up in Northampton, England. She loves to travel, write, and explore because of the ability to immerse herself in a different culture and potentially learn a new skill. Sarah uses her writing to share these experiences with other people to help them choose a location for their holiday or learn the skills for themselves.

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