French Dating Etiquette


Last Updated: August 29, 2022

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Whether you’re looking to find the love of your life or simply wanting to brush up on your french, dating a French person (or French speaker) may be an option for you.

Just as there is dating etiquette in your country, the French also have their own dating etiquette and it differs considerably to what you may be used to.

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading to find out all about French dating etiquette.

French Dating

Getting a date 

French people tend to meet potential partners through their friends and social circles. Going on a blind date is uncommon, as they like to get to know each other before moving on to date or have a romantic relationship. In fact it’s very common for exes to remain friends in France, as there is already a solid friendship in place.

It’s good to note that the French prefer to keep dates casual, relaxed and not overly romantic. As such, there isn’t really a dating protocol in France. It’s very common for men and women to go out together for dinner and it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s romantic in nature. In fact there isn’t even a word in French for date.

Rendez-vous is preferred as it is more relaxed and spontaneous. Rendez-vous literally means ‘meeting you.’ So don’t be surprised to get a last minute invitation for a drink, a walk or a catch up with a group of friends.

Getting a date

Via Pixaby

All about appearances

The rule of thumb is to never be too early for a rendez-vous. It’s all about not looking too eager or desperate. The French, particularly those from the south, are notoriously not on time. The French even have a phrase for this - le quart d’heure de politesse (The quarter of an hour of politeness).

The Art of Flirting

The rule of thumb is to never be too early for a rendez-vous. It’s all about not looking too eager or desperate. The French, particularly those from the south, are notoriously not on time. The French even have a phrase for this - le quart d’heure de politesse (The quarter of an hour of politeness).

Art of Flirting

Via Pixaby

The Body Language of Dating

As a general rule, physical contact isn’t usually initiated on the first date. When it finally is, permission is usually asked first.

The first kiss is important, as it carries a lot more significance than in other countries. In France, a kiss on the lips is seen as an agreement to entering into an exclusive relationship. So don’t kiss anyone if you’re not sure or don’t want to be in relationship with them. This will give the wrong signal and create a big misunderstanding. Due to this, it’s not surprising that French relationships move at a much slower pace than in other countries.

Public displays of affection (PDAs) are acceptable, therefore expect to see couples hold hands, hug and kiss. This may be why France has the reputation it has for romance. But note, PDAs are reserved only for your romantic partner. Despite stereotypes monogamy is very important.

As kissing someone is considered very meaningful in France, so too is sleeping with someone.

While the French may be masters of flirting and love the chase, true intimacy is more reserved than you may expect. Since there is a big focus on getting to know someone, sleeping with someone is considered a deeper expression of affection.

Body Language

Via Pixaby

French women in charge

At the end of the day, the woman holds all the power when it comes to dating. It’s her that decides if she wants to see the man or not. She has the freedom and time to make her mind up. 

Once she’s decided, she’ll make her intentions very clear. The French are very direct about matters of the heart. There is no expectation or obligation whatsoever for the woman to have to do anything, even after a number of rendez-vous. 

Therefore French men really have to work for it. There is no guarantee that if the woman agrees to three dates that’s it official, like in many English speaking countries. This is perhaps why French men have the reputation for being romantic and persistent.

French women in charge

Via Pixaby

We hope that this article has been helpful and that perhaps you’re feeling a little more confident about entering the French dating world! Good luck!

What about you? Do you have any experience dating les français? Let us know in the comments.

About the author 

Melanie is Australian. She loves to travel and is a language enthusiast.
She has a long-standing love affair with the French language and culture.

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