50 French Flower Names


Last Updated: August 25, 2022

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There are so many different types of flowers and names to learn in English, and it is obvious that it will be the same in French. Luckily, a lot of them are rather similar to their English equivalent.

Don’t worry though! If you aren’t very good at distinguishing the different types of flowers, or are worried about memorising the entire list, there is a way to simply say flower. Une fleur is how you would say “a flower” in French, so if you ever forget the particular name of a flower you can use une fleur, or the plural des fleurs.

Whether you need to know the names of flowers because you are planning a trip to the centre de jardinage (garden centre) for a pack of seeds, or to la fleuriste (florist) to pick up une botte de fleurs (a bouquet of flowers), you will find the French flower names below.

French Flower

Table of Contents

French Flower Names

In this table are 50 French flower names, before each word is the French article un or une, meaning “a” in English. These will help you identify whether the word is masculine or feminine.

AsterUn Aster
AzaleaUn Azalée
Baby's BreathUne Gypsophile
BegoniaUn Begonia
BluebellUne Campanule
ButtercupUn Bouton D’Or/ Une Renoncule Des Champs
CarnationUn œillet
ChrysanthemumUn Chrysanthème
CowslipUn Coucou
CrocusUn Crocus
DaffodilUne Jonquille
DahliaUn Dahlia
DaisyUne Marguerite
FreesiaUn Freesia
Forget-Me-NotUn Myosotis
FoxgloveUne Digitale
GardeniaUn Gardénia
GeraniumUn Géranium
GladiolusUn Gaïeul
HollyhockUne Rose Trémière/Passerose
HyacinthUne Jacinthe
HydrangeaUn Hortensia
IrisUn Iris
JasmineUn Jasmin
LavenderUne Lavande
LilyUn Lys
Lily of the ValleyUn Muguet
LilacLe Lilas
MallowUne Mauve
MarigoldUn Souci
MonkshoodUn Aconit
MilkweedUne Asclépiade
NarcissusUn Narcisse
OrchidUne Orchidée
PansyUne Pensée
PeonyUne Pivoine
PeriwinkleUne Pervenche
PetuniaUn Pétunia
PoppyUn Pavot/Un Coquelicot
PrimroseUne Primevère
RanunculusUne Renoncule
RoseUne Rose
SageUne sauge
SnapdragonUn Muflier/Une Gueule de Loup
SnowdropUn Perce-Neige
SunflowerUn Tournesol
TulipUne Tulipe
VioletUne Violette
WallflowerUne Giroflée
ZinniaUne Zinnia


There are many other flowers that you can learn the French words for, however these are the fifty that you are most likely to hear or want to say.

So whether you are hoping to buy flowers from la fleuriste (florist) or are looking for a specific flower to plant in your parterre de fleurs (flower bed), you will be able to use the vocabulary in the table above.

If you want to learn more vocabulary relating to gardening, you can check out this video on our Facebook page. There, you can listen to some of the basic phrases used when talking about gardening and put them together with some of the flower vocabulary you have learnt here.

About the author 

Sarah grew up in Northampton, England. She loves to travel, write, and explore because of the ability to immerse herself in a different culture and potentially learn a new skill. Sarah uses her writing to share these experiences with other people to help them choose a location for their holiday or learn the skills for themselves.

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