French Subjunctive Phrases: List of Words and Expressions


Last Updated: June 6, 2023

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Looking to make some phrases using the French subjunctive and subjunctive sentence examples? The list below might be useful for you.

In a previous article, we have talked more lengthily about the French subjunctive. If you want to check that out, go here. The list on this article would serve as additional resources for you to appreciate the topic better, and make it easier for you.

French subjunctive phrases

You'll find that the list below is sorted according to the type of French subjunctive.

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 1. French subjunctive phrases related to expressions of feelings or emotions

adorer que to love that
aimer queto like that
apprécier queto appreciate that
avoir honte queto be ashamed that
avoir peur queto be afraid that
craindre queto fear that
déplorer queto deplore that
détester queto hate that
être content queto be happy that
être désolé queto be sorry that
être étonné queto be amazed that
être heureux queto be happy that
être surpris queto be surprised that
être triste queto be sad that
il est bizarre queit is odd that
il est bon queit is good that
il est dommage queit is too bad that
il est étonnant queit is amazing that
il est étrange queit is strange that
il est heureux queit is fortunate that
il est honteux queit is shameful that
il est inutile queit is useless that
il est rare queit is rare that
il est regrettable queit is regrettable that
il est surprenant queit is surprising that
il est utile queit is useful that
redouter que*to dread that
regretter queto regret that
se réjouir queto be delighted that

2. French subjunctive phrases related to expressions of will such as orders, advice or desires

aimer mieux queto like better / to prefer that
commander queto order that
demander queto ask (someone to do something)
désirer queto desire that
donner l’ordre queto order that
empêcher queto prevent (someone from doing something)
éviter queto avoid
exiger queto demand that
il est à souhaiter queit is to be hoped that
il est essentiel queit is essential that
il est important queit is important that
il est naturel queit is natural that
il est nécessaire queit is necessary that
il est normal queit is normal that
il est temps queit is time that
il est urgent queit is urgent that
il faut queit is necessary that
il vaut mieux queit is better that
interdire queto forbid that
s’opposer queto oppose that
ordonner queto order that
permettre queto permit that
préférer queto prefer that
proposer queto propose that
recommander queto recommend
souhaiter queto wish that
suggérer queto suggest that
tenir à ce queto insist that
vouloir que to want that

3.French subjunctive phrases related to expressions of opinion, possibility or doubt

accepter queto accept
s’attendre à ce queto expect
chercher … qui to look for
détester queto hate
douter queto doubt that
il est convenable queit is proper/fitting that
il est douteux queit is doubtful that
il est faux queit is false that
il est impossible queit is impossible that
il est improbable queit is improbable that
il est juste queit is right/fair that
il est possible queit is possible that
il est peu probable queit is improbable that
il n’est pas certain queit is not certain that
il n’est pas clair queit is not clear that
il n’est pas évident queit is not obvious that
il n’est pas exact queit is not correct that
il n’est pas probable queit is improbable that
il n’est pas sûr queit is not certain that
il n’est pas vrai queit is not true that
il semble queit seems that
il se peut queit may be that
le fait quethe fact that
nier queto deny that
refuser queto refuse
supposer que to suppose, hypothesize

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4. Negative or interrogatory statements that need the subjunctive

c’est queit’s that/because
connaître (quelqu’un) quito know (someone) that
croire queto believe that
dire que to say that
espérer queto hope that
être certain queto be certain that
être sûr queto be sure that
il est certain queit is certain that
il est clair queit is clear/obvious that
il est évident queit is obvious that
il est probable queit is probable that
il est exact queit is correct/true that
il est sûr queit is certain that
il est vrai queit is true that
il me (te, lui…) semble queit seems to me (you, him…) that
il paraît queit appears that
penser queto think that
savoir queto know that
trouver queto find/think that
vouloir dire queto mean that

5. Conjunctive phrases that need the subjunctive

à condition queprovided that
à moins queunless
à supposer queassuming that
afin queso that
avant quebefore
bien quealthough
de crainte que for fear that
de façon queso that, in order that, in such a way that
de manière queso that
de peur quefor fear that
de sorte queso that
en admettant queassuming that
en attendant quewhile, until
encore queeven though
jusqu’à ce queuntil
pour queso that
pourvu queprovided that
quoiqueeven though
quoi quewhatever, no matter what
sans quewithout

If you need clarifications about this topic, do not hesitate to contact us in the comment section.

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French subjunctive phrases list

About the author 

Frederic Bibard is the founder of Talk in French, a company that helps french learners to practice and improve their french. Macaron addict. Jacques Audiard fan. You can contact him on Instagram

  • Merci pour ce blog . J’ai peur que l’on puisse faire commentaire interessant au sujet du subjuctive. C’est difficile pour les anglophones mais il semble qu’il soit l’un plus adorables elements de la langue francaise.

    • Well you did manage to write a comment in french in this blog post. It is kind of funny that you think “subjunctive is adorable” most of leaners hate it. Fr: Vous avez réussi à écrire un commentaire sur cet article et je vous en félicite. C’est intéressant de voir que vous trouvez le subjonctif amusant. La plupart de mes étudiants le détestent 🙂

      • Merci Fréderic. Bien qu’il soit difficile , selon moi le subjunctif ait un son que me plait bien. Although difficult in my opinion the subunctive has a sound that pleases me a lot . Especially some of the ir verbs and irregular verbs, faisse, puisse, vienne, soit, etc

        • Je suis d’accord. Je n’aime pas tellement le subjunctif, mais j’aime des sons fasse, puisse, vienne. Il faut le subjunctif pour exprimer vos emotions.

  • bonjour, avez-vous un article sur le conjugation de le subjunctif? En: sorry if my french is so poor am trying to use it more often so i get more accustomed to it please correct any mistakes i made. But i simple was wondering if you have any articles on the use of the subjunctive and its conjugations. Merci.

  • So the phrases above you would use them followed by the subjunctive? Or conjugate them themselves?
    Thank you

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