French Vocabulary: Life and Death


Last Updated: June 5, 2023

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The words in this list are all about the different stages of life and living, words and phrases about the different aspects of death, and all the other useful vocabulary in relation to this topic.

You can also get a copy of this vocabulary list in PDF format. 

Life and death
Les diverses étapes de la vieStages of Life
accouchergive birth
l’adolescence (f )adolescence
l’âge (m)age
l’âge adulte (m)adulthood
l’âge mûr (m)middle age
l’anniversaire (m)birthday
l’enfance (f )childhood
l’insémination artificielle (f )artificial insemination
la créationcreation
la fleur de l’âgeprime of life
la grossessepregnancy
la jeunesseyouth
la naissancebirth
la paternitépaternity
la pubertépuberty
la vielife
la vieillesse/le troisième âgeold age
le bas âgeinfancy
le bébébaby
le certificat de naissancebirth certificate
le/la mineur(e)minor
le/la nouveau-né(e)newborn
les gens/les personnespeople
majeur.legally responsible.
naîtrebe born
responsible majeur(elegally
la maternitématernity

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La mortDeath
être en deuilmourn
l’enterrement (m)burial
l’épitaphe (f )epitaph
l’héritage (m)inheritance
l’incinération (f )cremation
l’inhumation (f )interment
l’obituaire (m)obituary
la pierre tombaletombstone
la réincarnation (f )reincarnation
la sépulturegrave
la tombetomb
la trépasséepass away
la veillewake
le testamentwill
le cadavrecadaver
le certificat de décèsdeath certificate
le cimetièrecemetery
le corbillardhearse
le corpsbody
le deuilmourning
le service des pompes funèbresfuneral home
les condoléances (fpl) condolences
les funérailles (fpl)funerals
les rites funéraires (mpl)last rites
police d’assurance vielife insurance policy


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About the author 

Frederic Bibard is the founder of Talk in French, a company that helps french learners to practice and improve their french. Macaron addict. Jacques Audiard fan. You can contact him on Instagram

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  • […] French Vocabulary: Life and Death The words in this list are all about the different stages of life and living, words and phrases about the different aspects of death, and all the other useful vocabulary in relation to this topic. Please tell us in the comment section if there is some topics for vocab that you would like to review. P.S. You would be doing me a HUGE FAVOR by sharing it via Twitter, Facebook, Google + or Pinterest. Related PostsFrench Vocab: PETS AND ANIMALSFrench Vocabulary: Office and ComputingFrench Vocabulary: Post and TelecommunicationsFrench vocabulary: Crime, Law and Justice Get our awesome newsletter (Bonus: Get our free study guide to learn French) Get additional free vocabulary list, exclusive discount and so much more directly delivered to our email inbox every sunday. First Name Email 100% privacy, we will never spam you! Google+ Frederic Bibard  […]

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