69 Essential French Sports Vocabulary ( + Free PDF!)


Last Updated: April 22, 2024

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Learning French can be so much more fun if you inject your personal passions into it. So if you're into sports and make it a point to check sports updates everyday, why not try reading them in French? It will make communication and expressing your interest in sports in French easier!

This list of French sports vocabulary will help!

french sports vocabulary

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French Sports Vocabulary: Names of Different Sports

List of all sports in French!

le baseballbaseball
le basketball / le basketbasketball
le cricketcricket
le foot(ball)football, soccer
le football américainAmerican football
le golfgolf
le hockey (le hockey sur glace)hockey (ice hockey)
le hockey sur gazonfield hockey
le rugbyrugby
le rugby à treizeRugby League
le rugby à quinzeRugby Union
le tennistennis
le volley(ball)volleyball
le handballhandball
la courserunning
la boxeboxing
la dansedancing
la gymnastiquegymnastics
la luttewrestling
la musculationbodybuilding
la randonnéehiking
la voilesailing
l’athlétismetrack and field
le cyclismecycling
le joggingjogging
le parachutismeskydiving
le parapenteparagliding
le patinageskating
le patinage artistiquefigure skating
le patin à roulettes, le skatingrollerskating
le tennis de tabletable tennis
le tirshooting
le tir à l'arcarchery
le vélobiking
l’équitationhorseback riding
les arts martiauxmartial arts
les sports de combatcombat sports
l’escrime (f)fencing
l’haltérophilie (f)weightlifting
le skiskiing
le ski de randonnée/fondcross-country skiing
le ski de descente/pistedownhill skiing
le ski nautiquewater skiing
la natationswimming
la plongéediving

Athletes/ Sports Players

un joueura player (m)
une joueusea player (f)
un basketteura basketball player (m)
une basketteusea basketball player (f)
un footballeura football player, soccer player (m)
une footballeusea football player, soccer player (f)
un golfeura golfer (m)
une golfeusea golfer (f)
un hockeyeura hockey player (m)
une hockeyeusea hockey player (f)
un joueur de tennisa tennis player (m)
une joueuse de tennisa tennis player (f)
un volleyeura volleyball player (m)
une volleyeusea volleyball player (f)

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Sports Personnel and Fans

l'arbitrethe referee
le coachthe coach
un coéquipiera teammate (m)
une coéquipièrea teammate (f)
le public / les spectateursthe spectators, the crowd
un sponsora sponsor
un supporte(u)ra supporter, fan (m)
une supportricea supporter, fan (f)

See also: 

200 French Football Terms

French Basketball Vocabulary


Sports in France

Your turn!

Would you like to try using in a sentence the vocabulary you learned above? Do share it with us in the comments!

About the author 

Frederic Bibard is the founder of Talk in French, a company that helps french learners to practice and improve their french. Macaron addict. Jacques Audiard fan. You can contact him on Instagram

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