French Vocabulary: Food and Drink (115 words translated in French)


Last Updated: December 15, 2023

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Hey, have you seen our article about French food habits ?If not, then take a quick look at it here. It’s awesome, we promise you.

To supplement your learning about world-renowned French cuisine, here is a list of vocabulary that will help you breeze through it all.

Before you know it, you’ll be dazzling your date or friends (and everyone within hearing distance) with your impressive knowledge about everything related to French food.

Here, start memorizing this for starters, so you can easily order food in French!

Food and Drink words english to french

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L’alimentation (f)Food
AlimenterTo feed
La nourritureFood
NourrirTo feed
La nourriture à emporterTakeaway food
Les denrées (f)Food
Les denrées périssablesPerishables
La collationLight meal
L’en-cas (m)Snack
Le plat de résistanceMain course
Les plats préparesConvenience food
Le plat du jourSet menu
Le banquetFeast
La restauration rapideFast food
La portionPortion, helping
FruitLes fruits
La macédoine de fruitsFruit salad
La compote de fruitsStewed fruit
Les fruits secs Dried fruit
Le citron vertLime
La ceriseCherry
L’abricot (m)Apricot
La prunePlum
La fraiseStrawberry
La framboiseRaspberry
Le cassisBlackcurrant
La groseilleGooseberry
Le pamplemousseGrapefruit
La rhubarbeRhubarb
Le melonMelon
La datteDate
La noix de cocoCoconut
Le pruneauPrune
Le brugnonNectarine
La clémentineClementine
La figueFig
Le raisinGrape
La peauSkin
La pelure Peel
Le noyauStone
Le pépinPip
Pas mûrUnripe
NutsLes noix
L’arachide (f)Monkey nut
La cacahuètePeanut
La noix de cajouCashew nut
La pistachePistachio nut
La noix de BrésilBrazil nut
La noisettehazelnut
Le porcPork
L’agneau (m)Lamb
Le moutonMutton
La viande hachéeMinced Meat
Le veauVeal
La côteletteChop, cutlet
Le rôtiRoast
Le ragoût Stew
A pointMedium-cooked
GrillerGriller, toast
Le pot au feuStew


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Les légumes (m)Vegetables
Les petits pois (m)Peas
Les asperges (f)Asparagus
La betteraveBeetroot
Le céleriCelery
Le chou-fleurCauliflower
Les épinards (m)Spinach
La fèveBroad-bean
La laitueLettuce
La lentilleLentil
Le navetTurnip
Le poireauLeek
La patate douceSweet potato
Les boissonsDrinks
Le café natureBlack coffee
Le café crèmeWhite coffee
Le café décaféinéDecaffeinated coffee
Le café en poudreInstant coffee
Le café expressExpresso
Le café filtreFiltered coffee
Le café glacéIced coffee
Le café turcTurkish coffee
Le cacaoCocoa
Le thé noirBlack tea
Le thé au citronLemon tea
Le thé de ChineChina tea
Le thé à la mentheMint tea
La camomilleCamomile tea
La tisaneHerbal tea
L’infusion (f)Herbal tea
L’eau minérale (f)Mineral water
L’eau plate (f)Still water
L’eau gazeuse (f)Sparkling water
Le chocolat chaud Hot chocolate
La citronnadeLemonade
L’orangeade (f)Orangeade
Le siropCordial
Le jus d’oranges presséesFresh orange-juice
La bière pressionDraught beer
Les douceursSweets
Le pop-corn sucréSweet popcorn
Le pop-corn saléSalted popcorn
Le chewing-gumChewing gum
La tablette de chocolatBar of chocolate
Le paquet de chipsPacket of crisps

I hope this article helps you explore the food in French culture!

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About the author 

Frederic Bibard is the founder of Talk in French, a company that helps french learners to practice and improve their french. Macaron addict. Jacques Audiard fan. You can contact him on Instagram

  • Love your easy, fun and entertaining way of teaching french. Its very motivating! Not only words and grammar, but the cultural stuff to! Merci! I have been living in France for the past year now and one of the things who still is a puzzle is this tradition with bisou bisou. Even though its a compliment to reach to this point with the French people, sometimes I wonder about the right rules. Do you kiss both when meeting and leaving? What about if you meet for the second time in one day? Do they get offended if you forget, or passing them busy on the street? Should you do it with friends of friends even though its the first time? And right, left, left right, this is confusing sometimes as I have discover this is different in part of the country? Would have been great if you could write about it! Merci!

    • Hello Vivi how are you these days?

      Do you kiss both when meeting and leaving?

      Between friends you can do that. It depends of your friends probably.

      What about if you meet for the second time in one day?

      Not necessary. I won’t do personally.

      Do they get offended if you forget, or passing them busy on the street?

      If you are busy no.

      Should you do it with friends of friends even though its the first time?

      Yes you can and should do that.

      And right, left, left right, this is confusing sometimes as I have discover this is different in part of the country?

      Yes it can be confusing. Actually just let the flow go, let people make the move on you.

      I will try to make an article about it one day.

      Thank you for your question Vivi.

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