200 Most Common French Verbs [+ PDF]


Last Updated: June 6, 2023

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Are you ready to widen your French vocabulary with the most common French verbs? Check out this list of 200 common French verbs with their corresponding English translation.

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Common French Verbs

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Before we proceed to the long list of 200 most common French verbs, let's take a look one-by-one at ten of the most useful French verbs and see them with their present tense conjugation. Let's start!

1. Être (to be)

On the top of the heap of most common French verbs is the most useful one of them all. Though this verb is highly irregular, you need to commit this to memory since you’ll find this one used repeatedly in everyday speech, either alone or as an auxiliary verb for compound tenses. 

Here is the conjugation of etre.

how to conjugate the French verb etre in indicative mood

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2. Avoir (to have)

The second most useful French verb avoir, is also an irregular verb. It is also used by itself or with another verb to form a compound tense. 

Here is avoir in the present tense. 


tu as

il a

elle a

on a

nous avons

vous avez

ils ont

elles ont

3. Faire (to do)

The third one on our list is another irregular verb. Faire is also a highly useful French verb which means “to do”. It also translates to “to make” in some cases.

Now let’s take a look at the conjugation of faire

How to Conjugate the French Verb Faire

See also: All About The French verb Faire

4. Aller (to go)

The fourth French verb on our list is, unfortunately, another irregular verb. I know, I know. Don’t worry, it gets better when you memorize this verb fully. Aller also works as a standalone verb or as an auxiliary to form compound verbs for future tenses. 

Here’s the conjugation of aller

Conjugate French Verb Aller

See also: All About the French Verb Aller

5. Dire (to say)

Okay, now we’re on to the fifth most frequently used French verb on our list, and guess what? Yes, it’s another irregular verb (will this torture ever end?--yes it does). Dire means “to tell” or “to say” and I must say, you’ll see and hear this quite often!

Conjugate French Verb Dire

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6. Voir (to see)

Another most frequently used French verb is “voir” which means, to see. Aside from its literal use though, voir can also be used figuratively as in “to understand” or “to experience”. It all depends on the context and usage. 

Conjugate French Verb Voir

See also: All About the Verb Voir

7. Savoir (to know)

Savoir which means “to know” can be quite a difficult verb to know. (Get it? Okay.)   Aside from the fact that it is yet again another irregular verb, savoir has a close sibling connaître which also means “to know” and the differences can be quite complex! But that’s a topic for another day. 

Here’s the present tense conjugation of savoir:

je sais

tu sais

il sait

elle sait

on sait

nous savons

vous savez

ils savent

elles savent

8. Venir (to come)

Venir is once again an irregular French verb and it means “to come”. Here is its conjugation in the present tense. 

je viens

tu viens

il vient

elle vient

on vient

nous venons

vous venez

ils viennent

elles viennent

9. Vouloir (to want)

Another very important French verb is vouloir. It means “to want”. Here’s how to conjugate it in the present tense. 

je veux

tu veux

il veut

elle veut

on veut

nous voulons

vous voulez

ils veulent

elles veulent

10. Pouvoir (to be able to / can)

Finally on our list of the most useful verbs is pouvoir which is equivalent to can or to be able to in English. 

je peux

tu peux

il peut

elle peut

on peut

nous pouvons

vous pouvez

ils peuvent

elles peuvent

200 Most Common French Verbs

êtreto be; being
avoirto have
allerto go
faireto do, make
direto say, tell
pouvoircan, to be able to
vouloirto want
savoirto know
voirto see
devoirto have to, must; duty, test
venirto come, occur
suivreto follow
parlerto speak, talk
prendreto take, get
croireto believe, think
aimerto love, like, be fond of
falloirit is necessary, must, have to
passerto pass, go by, cross
penserto think
attendreto wait for, expect
trouverto find
laisserto leave
arriverto arrive
donnerto give, give away
regarderto look at, watch
appelerto call, ring
partirto go, leave, go away
mettreto put, put on, wear
resterto stay, remain
arrêterto stop
connaîtreto know, experience
demanderto ask, ask for, be looking for
comprendreto understand
sortirto go out; take out
entendreto hear, listen to, understand
chercherto look for, seek
aiderto help, aid
essayerto try, try out, test
revenirto come back, return
jouerto play
finirto finish, end
perdreto lose, miss
sentirto smell, sniff, feel
rentrerto bring in, take in; to get in, go in, come home
vivreto live, be alive, go through
rendreto return, give back, repay
tenirto hold, run, keep, last
oublierto forget, miss
travaillerto work, work on, practice
mangerto eat
entrerto go in, enter, come in
devenirto become
commencerto start, begin
payerto pay
tirerto pull, draw
ouvrirto open
changerto change, exchange
excuserto forgive, pardon, excuse
dormirto sleep; to lie idle
occuperto occupy, live in, take up
marcherto walk, march, go
envoyerto send, throw, dispatch, refer
apprendreto learn, to hear (about)
boireto drink (consume alcohol), to soak up
garderto keep, to look after, to guard
montrerto show, point out
asseoirto sit down, sit up
porterto carry, wear
prierto pray
servirto serve
écrireto write
retrouverto find; to meet
gagnerto win, earn
acheterto buy
rappelerto remind, remember, call back, be reminiscent of
lireto read
monterto go up, rise, come up
quitterto leave, depart
emmenerto take (somebody), take along
toucherto touch
continuerto continue, go on
Raconterto tell
répondreto answer, reply
sauverto save
rencontrerto meet, encounter
fermerto close, shut
valoirto hold, apply; to be worth
compterto count
bougerto move
apporterto bring, supply
déciderto decide
vendreto sell
expliquerto explain, account for
agirto act, behave; work, take effect
adorerto adore, love
recevoirto receive, to get
utiliserto use
coucherto put to bed, lay down, to sleep
préférerto prefer
offrirto offer, give
préparerto prepare, make, get ready
choisirto choose
conduireto drive, lead
chanterto sing
présenterto introduce, present
accepterto accept
refuserto refuse, turn down
terminerto end, finish
amuserto amuse, entertain
intéresserto interest
Rireto laugh, have fun, joke
pardonnerto forgive, pardon, excuse
embrasserto kiss; to embrace, encompass
danserto dance
détesterto hate, detest
maintenirto keep, maintain
supposerto suppose, assume
épouserto marry, to espouse
approcherto approach
craindreto fear, to be afraid of
crierto shout
inviterto invite
arrangerto arrange, to organize
remercierto thank
répéterto repeat; to go over, rehearse
signerto sign
accompagnerto go with, accompany
oserto dare
se plaindreComplain
faire du malHurt
avoir besointo have
épelerto spell
éteindreturn off
allumerturn on
se réveillerwake up
ajouterto add
goûterto taste
coûterto cost
cuireto cook
décrireto describe
effacerto erase
enseignerto teach
nettoyerto clean
noterto write down
reconnaîtreto recognize
remplacerto replace
visiterto visit
souhaiterto wish
tomberto fall
acclamerto cheer, acclaim
accorderto admit
accourirto hurry
accrocherto hang (up)
accueillirto welcome
acquérirto acquire
adjoindreto appoint
admirerto admire
annoncerto announce
arracherto pull up/out
augmenterto increase
avoir raisonto be right
blaguerto joke
causerto chat, cause
cheminerto walk on
confondreto confuse
conseillerto recommend
dépenserto spend
emprunterto borrow
endormirto fall asleep
éviterto avoid
féliciterto congratulate
geindreto groan
informerto inform
nommerto name
louerto rent
ressentirto feel
secouerto shake
soutenirto support
jurerto swear, vow
méprendreto mistake
mélangerto mix
apprendre par coeurto memorize
reconduireto renew
rejeterto reject
gérerto manage
refléterto reflect
presserto squeeze
répandreto spread
frapperto knock
remettreto put back (on)
revêtirto put on
enregistrerto record
pêcherto fish
rougirto redden
tousserto cough
pleurerto cry


So there you have it, 200 of the most common French verbs. You can also check out the different French vocabulary lists such as:

120 Common Adverbs

129 Most Common French Adjectives

Be sure to start practicing these words with our Ultimate French Pronunciation Guide!

Of course, conjugation is another thing you'll have to work on. You know what will help you learn French verb conjugations effortlessly? French Verb Drills!

With the French Verb Drills from the French Verb Conjugation Course, you'll be able to learn how to conjugate French verbs without memorizing anything. The drills cover just the most commonly used French verbs, but it will help you learn 80% of all French verbs through the verb endings. 

Learn more about it below. 

Here are some FAQs about Most Common French Verbs

How to conjugate –ER verbs in French

ER verbs are verbs that end with –er. To conjugate them you have to drop the –er at the end and add a different ending according to the person and tense.

In the present tense, you add -e, -es, -e, -ons, -ez, and -ent  to the remaining stem.

In the imperfect tense, you add -ais, -ais, –ait, -ions, -iez, and -aient to the remaining stem.

In the future tense, you add -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, and -ont to the remaining stem.

In the perfect tense, you add present tense of avoir before the -er verb and the past participle form of the -er verb.

In the simple past tense, you add -s, -s,-t, -mes, -tes, and -rent to the remaining stem.

How to conjugate –RE verbs in French

Verbs that end in -re in French are conjugated by dropping the -re at the end and adding a different ending according to the person and tense.

In the present tense, you add -s, -s, –, –ons, –ez, and –ent to the remaining stem.

In the imperfect tense, you add –ais, –ais, –ait, –ions, –iez, and –aient to the remaining stem.

In the future tense, you add –ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, and –ont to the remaining stem.

In the perfect tense, you add present tense of avoir or être before the -re verb and the past participle form of the -re verb.
In the simple past tense, you add –s, -s,-t, -mes, -tes, and -rent to the remaining stem.

How to conjugate -IR verbs in French

French -IR Verbs are conjugated by dropping the -ir at the end and adding a different ending according to the person and tense.

In the present tense, you add -is, -is, -it, -issons, -issez, and -issent to the remaining stem.

In the imperfect tense, you add –ais, –ais, –ait, –ions, –iez, and –aient to the remaining stem.

In the future tense, you add –ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, and –ont to the remaining stem.

In the perfect tense, you add present tense of avoir or être before the -re verb and the past participle form of the -ir verb.

In the simple past tense, you add –s, -s,-t, -mes, -tes, and -rent to the remaining stem.

About the author 

Frederic Bibard is the founder of Talk in French, a company that helps french learners to practice and improve their french. Macaron addict. Jacques Audiard fan. You can contact him on Instagram

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